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Магнитное поле Земли и других небесных тел

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Vasiliev B.V. The gravity-induced electric polarization of electron-nuclear plasma and related astrophysical effects. Nuovo Cimento B, 116, 2001. — pp. 617…634. Vasiliev B.V. The theory of Earth constructed by the method of full energy minimization, Il Nuovo Cimento B, v. 114B, N3, 1999. — pp. 291…300. Гильберт У. О магните, магнитных телах и большом магните — Земле. М.: АН СССР, 1956. Vasiliev… Читать ещё >

Литература. Магнитное поле Земли и других небесных тел (реферат, курсовая, диплом, контрольная)

1. Vasiliev B.V. The Magnetic Field of Earth and Other Celestial Bodies. International Journal of Geosciences, 2015.




3. Vasiliev B.V. Can the existence of the magnetic moments of cosmic bodies be explained by internal spontaneous electric polarization? Nuovo Cimento B, 110, 1996. — pp. 381…389.

4. Vasiliev B.V. Why spontaneous electric polarization can arise inside cosmic bodies? Nuovo Cimento B, 112, 1997. — pp. 1361…1372.

5. Vasiliev B.V. The theory of Earth constructed by the method of full energy minimization, Il Nuovo Cimento B, v. 114B, N3, 1999. — pp. 291…300.

6. Гильберт У. О магните, магнитных телах и большом магните — Земле. М.: АН СССР, 1956.

7. Яновский Б. М. Земной магнетизм. Л.: Изд. ЛГУ, 1978.

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11. Vasiliev B.V. and Luboshits V.L. Physics — Uspekhi, 37, 345. 1994.

12. Thorsett S.E. and Chakrabarty D. E-preprint: astro — ph/9 803 260, 1998.

13. Vasiliev B.V. Physics of Stars and Measurement Data, Part I. Universal Journal of Physics and Application, 2(5), 2014. — pp. 257…262.

14. Vasiliev B.V. Physics of Stars and Measurement Data, Part II. Universal Journal of Physics and Application, 2(6), 2014. — pp. 284…301.

15. Beskin V.S., Gurevich A.V., Istomin Ya.N. Physics of the Pulsar Magnetosphere (Cambridge University Press, 1993.

16. Romanyuk I.I. at al. Magnetic Fields of Chemically Peculiar and Related Stars. Proceedings of the International Conference (Nizhnij Arkhyz. Special Astrophysical Observatory of Russian Academy of Sciences. September 24…27, 1999, eds: Glagolevskij Yu.V. and Romanyuk I.I., Moscow, 2000. — pp. 18…50.

17. Vasiliev B.V. The gravity-induced electric polarization of electron-nuclear plasma and related astrophysical effects. Nuovo Cimento B, 116, 2001. — pp. 617…634.

18. Vasiliev B.V. Superconductivity and Superfluidity. NY: Science PG, 2015.

19. Jeffreys H. The Earth, 3rd edition. Cambrige University Press, 1952.

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