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The point of application of precedent is regulated at the Politburo Resolution No. 49: Part II, point 2 and sub-point 2.2, Politburo Resolution No 49 NQ/TW dated 2 June, 2005 on the Strategy of Judicial Reform up to. The point of application of precedent is regulated at the Politburo Resolution No. 49: Part II, point 2 and sub-point 2.2, Politburo Resolution No 49 NQ/TW dated 2 June, 2005 on the… Читать ещё >

Правовые транспланты (реферат, курсовая, диплом, контрольная)

То есть согласно данной теории, государство Вьетнам при применении правового трансплантата не должен полностью копировать все аспекты переносимого правила (системы прецедента) из общего права прецеденты. В частности, нельзя переносить те элементы (нормы права), которые не улучшают действующие законодательные нормы Вьетнама, и уж тем более, не следует брать те нормы, которые противоречат или ухудшают качество законодательства страны, в целом. Например, признание правотворческой роли судей не может быть осуществлено пока не будут внесены изменения в статью 83 Конституции страны от 1992 года, то есть в раздел, связанный с Национальным Собранием (особый законодательный орган Вьетнама).

Подробное изучение вышеуказанных теории и применения их решений на практике поможет многократно увеличить возможности удачного осуществления правового трансплантата: заимствование системы прецедентов для Вьетнама, чтобы закрыть действующие правовые пробелы там, где закон молчит или неоднозначно толкуется.

В целом, заимствование элементов общего права, выраженных прецедентами, может стать эффективным решением для устранения недостатков вьетнамского законодательства. Представляется, что шансы для успешной правовой трансплантации увеличиваются, когда есть доказательства того, что Вьетнам может создать благоприятную среду для применения системы прецедентов общего права.

The point of application of precedent is regulated at the Politburo Resolution No. 49: Part II, point 2 and sub-point 2.2, Politburo Resolution No 49 NQ/TW dated 2 June, 2005 on the Strategy of Judicial Reform up to.

Politburo Resolution No 49 NQ/TW dated 2 June, 2005 on the Strategy of Judicial Reform up to 2020, Part II, Point 2 and sub-point 2.


The point of application of precedent is regulated at the Politburo Resolution No. 49: Part II, point 2 and sub-point 2.2, Politburo Resolution No 49 NQ/TW dated 2 June, 2005 on the Strategy of Judicial Reform up to.

Jonathan M Miller, 'A Typology of Legal Transplants: Using Sociology, Legal History and Argentine, Examples to explain the Transplant Process' (2003) 51 The American Journal of Comparative Law 839, 839.

John N. Adams and Roger Brownsword, Understanding Law (2 nd ed, 1999) 78.

Alan Watson, 'Aspects of Reception of Law' (1996) 44 The American Journal of Comparative Law 335, 335.

Ronald Walker and Richard Ward, Walker and Walker’s English Legal System (7 th ed, 1994).

Alan Watson, Legal Transplants: An Approach to Comparative Law (1993) 21.

Lorraine M McDonough, 'The Transferability of Labor Law: Can An American Transplant Take Root in British Soil?' (1992) 13 Comparative Labor Law Journal 129, 506.

Denis Keenan, Smith and Keenan’s English Law (9th ed, 1989) 9.

Frederick Schauer, 'Is the Common Law Law?' (1989) 77 California Law Review 455, 455.

O Hood Phillips and A H Hudson, O Hood Phillips' First Book of English Law (8th ed, 1988) 134.

John Henry Merryman, 'On the Convergence (and Divergence) of the Civil Law and the Common law' (1981) 17 Standford Journal of International Law 357, 369; Ugo Mattei, 'Why the Wind Changed: Intellectual Leadership in Western Law' (1994) 42 The American Journal of Comparative Law 195, 551.

John H Beckstrom, 'Transplantation of Legal Systems: An Early Report on the Reception of Western Law in Ethiopia' (1973) 21 The American Journal of Comparative Law 557.

Albert Kocourek, 'Factors in the Reception of Law' (1935;1936) 10 Tulane Law Review 209.

Roscoe Pound, 'The Theory of Judicial Decision' (1923) 36(6) Harvard Law Review 641.

Charles De Secondat Baron De Montesquieu, The Spirit of Laws (1914).

Denis Keenan, Smith and Keenan’s English Law (9th ed, 1989) 9.

Frederick Schauer, 'Is the Common Law Law?' (1989) 77 California Law Review 455, 455.

O Hood Phillips and A H Hudson, O Hood Phillips' First Book of English Law (8th ed, 1988) 134.

Hood Phillips and Hudson, above n 88, 137.

Ronald Walker and Richard Ward, Walker and Walker’s English Legal System (7 th ed, 1994) see also John N. Adams and Roger Brownsword, Understanding Law (2 nd ed, 1999) 78.

Hood Phillips and Hudson, above n 88, above n 2, 133−4; see also Adams and Brownsword, above n 91, 82.

Walker and Ward, above n 91,.

Adams and Brownsword, above n 91, 77.

Politburo Resolution No 49 NQ/TW dated 2 June, 2005 on the Strategy of Judicial Reform up to 2020, Part II, Point 2 and sub-point 2.


Alan Watson, Legal Transplants: An Approach to Comparative Law (1993) 21.

Jonathan M Miller, 'A Typology of Legal Transplants: Using Sociology, Legal History and Argentine, Examples to explain the Transplant Process' (2003) 51 The American Journal of Comparative Law 839, 839.

Charles De Secondat Baron De Montesquieu, The Spirit of Laws (1914).

Roscoe Pound, 'The Theory of Judicial Decision' (1923) 36(6) Harvard Law Review 641.

Albert Kocourek, 'Factors in the Reception of Law' (1935;1936) 10 Tulane Law Review 209.

Charles De Secondat Baron De Montesquieu, The Spirit of Laws (1914).

Twining, ‘Diffusion of Law', above n 116, 8.

John H Beckstrom, 'Transplantation of Legal Systems: An Early Report on the Reception of Western Law in Ethiopia' (1973) 21 The American Journal of Comparative Law 557.

Alan Watson, Legal Transplants (1974).

John Henry Merryman, 'On the Convergence (and Divergence) of the Civil Law and the Common law' (1981) 17 Standford Journal of International Law 357, 369; Ugo Mattei, 'Why the Wind Changed: Intellectual Leadership in Western Law' (1994) 42 The American Journal of Comparative Law 195, 551.

Mattei, above n 122, 196.

See Watson, ‘Legal Transplants: An Approach', above n 104, 95; Alan Watson, 'Aspects of Reception of Law' (1996) 44 The American Journal of Comparative Law 335, 335.

Watson, ‘Legal Transplants: An Approach', above n 104,.

Kahn-Freund, above n 121, 6.

See Heim, above n 129, 195; see Kahn-Freund, above n 121, 27.

Heim, above n 129, 196.

Kahn-Freund, above n 121, 12; Lorraine M McDonough, 'The Transferability of Labor Law: Can An American Transplant Take.

Root in British Soil?' (1992) 13 Comparative Labor Law Journal 129, 506.

See Kahn-Freund, above n 121, 12.

See Kahn-Freund, above n 121, 12; McDonough, above n 129, 506.

Kahn-Freund, above n 121, 12.

The point of application of precedent is regulated at the Politburo Resolution No. 49: Part II, point 2 and sub-point 2.2, Politburo Resolution No 49 NQ/TW dated 2 June, 2005 on the Strategy of Judicial Reform up to.

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Список литературы

  1. The point of application of precedent is regulated at the Politburo Resolution No. 49: Part II, point 2 and sub-point 2.2, Politburo Resolution No 49 NQ/TW dated 2 June, 2005 on the Strategy of Judicial Reform up to
  2. Politburo Resolution No 49 NQ/TW dated 2 June, 2005 on the Strategy of Judicial Reform up to 2020, Part II, Point 2 and sub-point 2.2.
  3. The point of application of precedent is regulated at the Politburo Resolution No. 49: Part II, point 2 and sub-point 2.2, Politburo Resolution No 49 NQ/TW dated 2 June, 2005 on the Strategy of Judicial Reform up to
  4. Jonathan M Miller, 'A Typology of Legal Transplants: Using Sociology, Legal History and Argentine, Examples to explain the Transplant Process' (2003) 51 The American Journal of Comparative Law 839, 839.
  5. John N. Adams and Roger Brownsword, Understanding Law (2 nd ed, 1999) 78.
  6. Alan Watson, 'Aspects of Reception of Law' (1996) 44 The American Journal of Comparative Law 335, 335.
  7. Ronald Walker and Richard Ward, Walker and Walker’s English Legal System (7 th ed, 1994)
  8. Alan Watson, Legal Transplants: An Approach to Comparative Law (1993) 21.
  9. Lorraine M McDonough, 'The Transferability of Labor Law: Can An American Transplant Take Root in British Soil?' (1992) 13 Comparative Labor Law Journal 129, 506
  10. Denis Keenan, Smith and Keenan’s English Law (9th ed, 1989) 9.
  11. Frederick Schauer, 'Is the Common Law Law?' (1989) 77 California Law Review 455, 455.
  12. O Hood Phillips and A H Hudson, O Hood Phillips' First Book of English Law (8th ed, 1988) 134.
  13. John Henry Merryman, 'On the Convergence (and Divergence) of the Civil Law and the Common law' (1981) 17 Standford Journal of International Law 357, 369; Ugo Mattei, 'Why the Wind Changed: Intellectual Leadership in Western Law' (1994) 42 The American Journal of Comparative Law 195, 551.
  14. John H Beckstrom, 'Transplantation of Legal Systems: An Early Report on the Reception of Western Law in Ethiopia' (1973) 21 The American Journal of Comparative Law 557.
  15. Albert Kocourek, 'Factors in the Reception of Law' (1935−1936) 10 Tulane Law Review 209.
  16. Roscoe Pound, 'The Theory of Judicial Decision' (1923) 36(6) Harvard Law Review 641.
  17. Charles De Secondat Baron De Montesquieu, The Spirit of Laws (1914).
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