Дипломные и курсовые на заказ

Word-formation of the English language. 

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The affix |the |deriva|deriv|examples — | |origin |tive |ant — | |-ness |L. |n. |adj. |alertness, goodness, — |-ity |L. |n. |adj. |darkness. — | — | — |convertibility, humidity, — |-ism |L. |n. |n. |banality, activity — | — |n. |adj. — | — | — | |Leninism, Platonism — |-ship |E. |n. |n. |pacifism, Americanism, — | — | — |newspaperism — |-dom |L. |n. |n. |friendship, ladyship… Читать ещё >

Word-formation of the English language. Conversion (реферат, курсовая, диплом, контрольная)

Suffix derived nouns, adjectives, verbs.

Prefix derived adjectives and verbs.

|The affix |the |deriva|deriv|examples | | |origin |tive |ant | | |-ness |L. |n. |adj. |alertness, goodness, | |-ity |L. |n. |adj. |darkness. | | | | | |convertibility, humidity, | |-ism |L. |n. |n. |banality, activity | | | |n. |adj. | | | | | | |Leninism, Platonism | |-ship |E. |n. |n. |pacifism, Americanism, | | | | | |newspaperism | |-dom |L. |n. |n. |friendship, ladyship, | | | | | |horsemanship, partenship | |-ment |L. |n. |v. |earldom, sheriffdom, | | | | | |savagedom, boydom | |-ation |Gr. |n. |v. |denotement, astonishment, | |-ery |L. |n. |n. |pavement | |-acy |R. |n. |adj. |indication, realization, | | | | |n. |activation, expectation | |-age |R. |n. |n. |peasantry, scenery, cattery| | | | |v. | | |-ed |E. |adj. |n. | | |-y |L. |adj. |n. |profligacy, retiracy | | | | |v. |delegacy, piracy | | | | |adj. |readerage, spindleage, | |-ish |E. |adj. |n. |footage | | | | |adj. |fosterage, breakage, | |-en (-n) |E. |adj. |n. |standage | | |E. |adj. |n. |feathered, minded, | |-less |Gr. | |v. |passioned | |-ly |E. |adj. |n. |bony, furry | |-ful | |adj. |n. |sleeply, chattly | | |E. | |v. |blacky, paly, plumpy | |-some | |adj. |n. | | | | | |adj. |maidish, Irish, dampish | | |E. | |v. |coldish, blackish, baddish | | |E. |adj. |num. |flaxen, wooden, silken | |-fold |E. |adj. |n. |homeless, brotherless | |-worthy |L. | |v. |changeless | | |L. |adj. |n. | | |-like |L. |adj. |v. |brotherly, yearly, lively | |-able |E. |adj. |n. |beautiful, chearful, topful| |-ous |E. |adj. |n. | | |-an (ean, ian) |E. |adj. |adj. |wakeful, forgeful | |un- |E. |adj. |adj. |brothersome, venturesome | |in- |E. |adj. |adj. |gaysome, darksome | |non- |E. |adj. |adj. | | |a- |L. |adj. |adj. |troublesome, quarrelsome | |self- | |adj. |adj. |fivefold, tenfold | |well- |L. |adj. |adj. |loveworthy, shameworthy, | |ill- |L. |v. |n. |readworthy | |-ize | | |adj. |showworthy | | |E. |v. |n. |deathlike, wifelike | |-fy (-ify) |E. | |adj. |drinkable, actable | | |L. |v. |n. |envious, villainios | |-ate |L. | |adj. |European, African, | | |E. |v. |adj. |Darwinian | |-en |E. |v. |v. |unreasonable, unpracticed, | |un- |E. |v. |v. |unimportant, unintentional | |de- | |v. |v. |inartistic | |dis- |E. |v. |v. |non-human | |mis- |L. |v. |v. |achromatic, anhydrous | | |E. |v. |v. |self-acting, self-recording| |under- | | | | | |over- | | | |well-aged, well-born | | | |v. |v. |ill-advised, ill-disposed | |up- | |v. |v. | | |re- | |v. |v. |characterize, vaporize | | | | |n. |specialize, realize | |be- | | |adj. |electrify, testify, damnify| | | | | | | | | | | |acidify, humidify, | | | | | |pacificify | | | | | |vaccinate, fossilate | | | | | |activate, syllabicate | | | | | |gladden, soften, redden | | | | | | | | | | | |unbend, unshoe, uncork, | | | | | |undeceive | | | | | |decode, deforest, deplume | | | | | |disagree, disjoin, dishouse| | | | | | | | | | | |mistake, mishear, mislike | | | | | | | | | | | |underline, underwork, | | | | | |underact | | | | | |overbuild, overpass, | | | | | |overdrink, overlive | | | | | | | | | | | |uphold, uprise | | | | | |recline, reread, | | | | | |repaganize, repaper | | | | | | | | | | | |beset, bekiss, bespeak, | | | | | |becrowd | | | | | |belimb, becloud, | | | | | |bedim, befool |.

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