Дипломные и курсовые на заказ
Реферат: USA Holidays

Memorial Day is a legal holiday, observed annually on the last Monday in May in most of the United States, It honours the nation «p.s armed services killed in wartime. The holiday, originally called Decoration Day, is traditionally marked by parades, memorial speeches and ceremonies, and the decoration of graves with flowers and flags. Memorial Day was first observed on May 30, 1868, on the order…

Реферат: Washington

The White House, the official residence of the President, is situated at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. The largest room in this building of over the hundreds room is the East Room, scene of many state receptions, balls and musicals. Other famous rooms are: the Green Room, the Blue Room, the Red Room, which are used for afternoon teas and for receptions held before state dinners. The Blue Room…

Реферат: The Cinema World

Cinema means the same as pictures and movies. In Greek the world kinema means ‘movement'. Cinema has been with us for over 100 years. It was born at the end of the 19th century. But the moving image has been around for a lot longer. The magic world of film comes to life before the visitor’s eyes at the Museum of Moving Image in London. Later cinema became the most popular entertaiment all over…

Реферат: Richard III

Для підготовки даної праці були використані матеріали із сайту internet. Allege — стверджувати, заявляти (голословно). Usurpation — узурпація, незаконний захват. What were Richard «p.s reasons for wanting the young princes dead? Where did Richard bring Edward VI «p.s children to? Invalid — яка має законної силы. Bastard — позашлюбний ребенок. What did Richard do to assure his own security? What…

Реферат: Die Verhandlungen im Bundestagsplenum

Hammelsprung «: Die Abgeordneten verlassen nach Aufforderung des Bundestagspräsidenten den Saal und kommen durch 3 Türen (die Ja-Tür, die Nein-Tür, die Stimmenthaltungstür) wieder herein. An den betreffenden Türen zählen die Schriftführer laut die Abgeordneten. Der Bundestag wird aufvier Jahre gewählt. Seine Wahlperiode endet vier Jahre nach dem ersten Zusammentritt oder mit seiner Auflösung. Die…

Реферат: Art, museums and galleries

In the Pushkin Museum of the Fine Arts in Moscow the art of the Ancient East and Western Europe is represented. This museum possesses a unique collection of co-pies of the finest sculptures of the old time. It is in this museum that many famous foreign expositions of the Fine Arts are displayed almost every year. The Russian Museum in St. Petersburg is another picture gallery which contains the…

Реферат: My friend

Frankly speaking, I have a lot of friends. Most of them are my classmates. They say that I am a good mixer and always have a way with people. But my bosom-friend is Olga. We are of the same age, we are both 15. She is pleasant looking girt not very tall but pleasantly plump. They say, she is the very image of her father, but, to my mind, she takes a lot after her Mum in looks — fair curly hair…

Реферат: Traditions and customs

Traditionally Easter parades of people in bright new spring clothes are held on this day. Another custom is decorating eggs for children. Eggs are hidden in the yards little children believe that the Easter rabbit comes and leaves eggs for them. Easter candies are maid in the form of eggs, little chickens and rabbits. Halloween is the day or evening before all Saent’s Day. Children dress…

Реферат: Advertising

It is obvious that its splash of development the advertisement have got mostly owing to the greatest technological breakthrough of the passing century, like the invention of the television, radio, computer etc. Today, advertising goes far beyond television and hoardings, newspapers and magazines. For example, the manager of the clothing store is advertising by putting models wearing the store’s…

Реферат: D?rer, Albrecht

Dürer came from a Hungarian family of goldsmiths, his father having settled in Nuremberg in 1455. In The Painter «p.s Father Dürer shows the face with respectful sensitivity. The technique is pencil-like, precise, and enquiring; the description achieved has a hard brilliance. However, the rest of the picture may be incomplete, or not all Dürer «p.s work. The rudimentary background is a far cry…

Реферат: Notre-Dame de Paris french

L «art gothique p. s «est йpanoui en Europe du XII-ieme siиcle, а la Renaissance (XV-ieme siиcle). З «est un art architectural qui a succйdй, а l «art roman Le style gothique est typique de l «architecture religieuse. Il se caractйrise par la structure verticale, grвce, а l «emploi de la croisйe d «ogives. On considиre l «Ile-de-France comme le berceau des cathйdrales gothiques. Au milieu…

Реферат: Неблагоприятные Ефекти Зелених Галявин english

Lush, green, beautiful lawns surround almost every house in my suburban neighborhood. Green lawns are part of suburban culture. Few people consider the idea of not having one. The Associated Landscape Contractors of America, a trade group, claims, «A properly installed and maintained lawn gives homeowners a 100 to 200 percent return on their investment and increases overall property values in the…

Реферат: Lifestyle and Being Green

Perhaps one of the most burning ecological crisises is the greenhouse effect that leads to another one — global warming. The greenhouse effect is the property of the atmosphere to pass the solar energy to the surface of the Earth and to detain the thermal energy. The greenhouse effect causes acid rains, changes global weather patterns. Due to the global warming the greenhouse effect can lead…

Реферат: 2 Топіка з мови english

Two occupations attract me a lot. I like to talk with small children and explain things to them and I like to write computer programs. I often think which one is most favourable and can not decide which profession to choose. I was born in a family of a teacher. When I was a little girl I went to school with my mother attending her lessons. I watched her and I wanted my mother to be a favourite…

Реферат: Giotto di Bondone

In common with other artists of his day, Giotto lacked the technical knowledge of anatomy and perspective that later painters learned. Yet what he possessed was infinitely greater than the technical skill of the artists who followed him. He had a grasp of human emotion and of what was significant in human life. In concentrating on these essentials he created compelling pictures of people under…

Реферат: Москва /english/

The oldest part of Moscow is the Kremlin. This is the main tourist attraction in Moscow. The word «Kremlin «means «fortress «. And the Moscow Kremlin used to be a fortress. In 1156 a small settlement of Moscow was surrounded by a wooden wall and became a Kremlin. The town and the Kremlin were burnt in 1237, but they were rebuilt. In 14th century Prince Dmitry Donskoy built a white stone wall…

Реферат: Das Gymnasium №209

Von 7 bis 8 UhrVorbereitung fьr den Unterricht von 8 bis 8.30 UhrFrьhstьck ab 8.30 UhrUnterrichtsstunden, jede 30 Minuten lang, zwischen den Stunden eine halbe Stunde Pause um 12 UhrMittagessen, danach Rube und ein Spaziergang von 2 bis 5.30 UhrUnterrichtsstunden, danach Tee und Ruhe von 6.30 bis 8 UhrVorbereitung fьr den Unterricht um 9 Uhr, nach dem Abendgebet gingen die jungen Damen zu Bett…

Реферат: Democracy in Russia

Russia is not yet ready for democracy. A country should have certain cultural, political and economic background as prerequisites for democracy. Culturally Russians are influenced by the doctrine of Orthodox Church and long-term pressure of authoritarian regime. Tradition is inculcated in the Russian mind, which makes the nation almost unsusceptible to changes. Political and civic consciousness…

Реферат: Ecology

The Baltic Sea is a special case. Because it is such a small sea and it becomes dirty very easily. Its waster changes slowly through the shallow straits. As many as 250 rivers run into the Baltic. There are hundreds of factories in these rivers and millions of people live along them. Quite a lot of big cities lie on its coast. All these combined with the active navigation of the sea naturally…

Реферат: Envoiromental protection

To solve this burning problem it is necessary for people to combine efforts, to raise safety standards at all industrial facilities, to adequately process by-products of industry, to set up an international space laboratory to monitor the state of environment and set up an international center for emergency environmental assistance. All these measures will help us in solving these important…

Реферат: My Appearance

Modern youth does not pay much attention to its own inner world, its character, and behavior. Unfortunately nowadays it becomes better to be good-looking, fashionable and rich at last, than to be kind, honest, generous etc. I don’t like to discuss myself: either my character or my appearance. I am sure that nobody’s perfect and I am not perfect as well. As many young people I, of course, pay much…

Реферат: The enviromental problems which concern the Mankind

Everything I have already spoken about it is only a small part of nowadays polluting the environment. Everyone should remembers when he kills a plant or animal he kills a part of himself because everything in the world is interconnected. And people should to protect the nature but not to kill it. I’m going to speak about some kinds of pollution, for example air pollution or acid rain, water…

Реферат: The system of english tenses

Shaken shone Shot shown shut sung sat slept spoken spelt spent stood stolen swum taken taught told thought thrown understood woken worn won written. Shook shone Shot showed shut sang sat slept spoke spelt spent stood stole swam took taught told thought threw understood woke wore won wrote. Shake shine shoot show shut sing sit sleep speak spell spend stand steal swim take teach tell think throw…

Реферат: Types of holiday

But the main criterion is the aim of holiday. Different people take holidays on various purposes. Some go hunting, others prefer to climb mountains. A lot of people have holidays relative to sport activities, such as hiking, cycling, horse-back riding, rowing and canoeing, as well as scuba-diving or even bungee jumping. There are also such purposes as recreation, treatment and medical care…

Реферат: Деловая французька кореспонденция (La lettre comercial)

Orthographe et grammaire. La premiиre rиgle consiste, а respecter l «exactitude de l «orthographe du nom, du titre et des fonctions du destinataire. Les ratures et autres corrections ne peuvent кtre tolйrйes. Une phrase n «est correcte que si elle possиde un verbe conjuguй, un sujet, un complйment. Evitez l’emploi du «on», pronom indйfini, prйfйrez le «nous». Utilisez les correcteurs…

Реферат: Шпаргалки по english

Shopping «I would like to tell you about shopping in the United Kingdom. Marks & Spencer is Britain «p.s favorite store. Tourists love it too. It attracts a great variety of customers from house wives to millionaires. Princess Diana, Dustin Hoffman and the British Prime-minister are just a few of its famous customers. Last year it made a profit of 529 million pounds. Which is more than 10 million…

Реферат: Outstanding people

Henry Tudor, earl of Richmond, now King Henry VII by right of con-quest and some other hereditary claims, felt he needed to justify his own actions at the battle of Bosworth. He issued a royal proclama-tion, dated the day before the battle, declaring himself the rightful king of England and condemning Richard as the rebellious subject. In 1674 two small skeletons were found in a wooden box…

Реферат: Colonization and Development of Pennsylvania

Established by William Penn Pennsylvania was very successful, and played an important role in development of Middle English colonies and America in general. By 1776, the Province of Pennsylvania had become the third largest English colony in America, though next to the last to be founded. Its bright political history, (which provided people with Charter of Privileges), well-developed, prolific…

Реферат: Russian composers

Alexander Scriabin (1872−19??) A graduate of Moscow conservatory, this very talented pianist and composer was taught piano by Zverev (the piano teacher of Rachmaninov), composition by Arensky, orchestration by Safonov (who later became an eminent conductor, leading the New York Philharmonic Society). Later he left the Moscow music school, but did not go towards old Russian national traditions…

Реферат: Look Back at Youths in America

Later, the United States experienced major periods of immigration. The first occurred from about 1840 to 1880. During that time, most of the immigrants were from northern and western Europe. Most were fleeing poverty, or political or religious persecution. The second major period began in the 1880s. While immigrants still came from northern and western Europe, the majority now came from southern…
