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Несмотря на существующее многообразие диалектов английского языка в Великобритании, говорить о том, что носители разных диалектов не понимают друг друга, было бы необоснованным. Диалекты предполагают отклонение от литературной нормы, однако такое отклонение не стоит преувеличивать. Кроме того, диалектальные различия британского варианта английского языка имеют тенденцию стираться, все больше…
Курсовая Одним из базовых элементов национального характера, имеющих религиозную подоплеку, является мысль об избранности Америки Богом (elect nation, chosen people). Именно Богоизбранность легла в основу характерной черты американцев —американской исключительности (American exceptionalism): «In its classic forms, American exceptionalism refers to the special character of the United States as a uniquely…
Курсовая На ўроках пісьма, апрача засваення напісання літар, слоў, складоў, ус? больш увагі ўдзяляецца фанетычным і арфаграфічным супастаўленням (воды — вада, каса — каза, лес — лез), азнаямленню з арфаграфічнымі правіламі (ужыванне вялікай літары ў мянушках жыв? л, у назвах гарадоў), працягваецца засваенне некаторых Їслоўнікавых слоў. Больш шырока выкарыстоўваюцца, апрача спісвання, розныя віды…
Дипломная It is clear that the first foot, foot0 is an incomplete one as it only contains unstressed syllables — if there is a pre-head, it is always an incomplete foot. The special characteristic property of English rhythm is that it is stress-timed. It means that the stressed syllables follow each other at intervals of about the same length, which sounds like a pulsating rhythm. This means that in the…
Реферат Этот комментатор вел репортаж в очень вялой манере. В начале третьего сета, к которому зрители могли подключиться, не видя двух предыдущих, комментатор сообщает счет, и как-то немного путано объясняет, в чем смысл борьбы. У него отсутствует логическое соединение информации. Его принцип комментирования можно обрисовать фразой: «что вижу, то пою». В данном случае комментатор не успевал…
Дипломная Saint Valentine «p.s Day, a holiday honouring lovers, is celebrated on February 14. There is a custom of sending greeting cards or gifts to express affection. The cards, known as valentines, are often designed with hearts to symbolise love. The holiday probably derives from the ancient Roman feast of Lupercalis (February 15). The festival gradually became associated with the feast day (February…
Реферат Ein Abgeordneter darf zu keiner Zeit wegen seiner Abstimmung oder wegen seiner Äußerung, die er im Bundestage oder in einem seiner Ausschüsse getan hat, gerichtlich oder dienstlich verfolgt oder sonst außerhalb des Bundestages zur Verantwortung gezogen werden. Dies gilt nicht für verleumderische Beleidigungen. Nach Art. 47 haben die Abgeordneten das Zeugnisverweigerungsrecht. Ferner haben sie…
Реферат While it is traditional to expect demands for increased national government activity from more liberal, so-called «big government», elements in American society, conservatives, who see themselves as a defenders of state’s rights and local self-government also may jump on the bandwagon and demand national action. Thus it is quite unsurprising that recently liberal elements in American society have…
Реферат He began to study painting in 1929 at the Art Students «League, New York, under the Regionalist painter Thomas Hart Benton. During the 1930s he worked in the manner of the Regionalists, being influenced also by the Mexican muralist painters (Orozco, Rivera, Siqueiros) and by certain aspects of Surrealism. From 1938 to 1942 he worked for the Federal Art Project. By the mid 1940s he was painting…
Реферат After spending some years working in the picturesque tradition of landscape and the manner of Gainsborough, Constable developed his own original treatment from the attempt to render scenery more directly and realistically, carrying on but modifying in an individual way the tradition inherited from Ruisdael and the Dutch 17th-century landscape painters. Just as his contemporary William Wordsworth…
Реферат The second single, «Most Girls «, is seeing the same success as its predecessor, if not more, by shedding light on the money-grubbing tendencies of «most girls. «As opposed to most female artists, Pink, who cites Madonna, Mary J. Blige, Janis Joplin, and The Supremes as inspiration, prefers to sing about real moments in life and personal experiences, rather than sing romantic ballads…
Реферат Long ago Greeks often waged wars. The ruler of such a small state, Elis, wanted to live in peace with all neighbours. He was a good diplomat because his negotiations were successful and Elis was recognized a neutral state. To celebrate this achievement, he organized athletic games. The games were held every four years in Olympia on the territory of Elis. The first games which later were called…
Реферат The newspapers in the Russian language are amazing things. What do you think the following announcement could mean? «I have a perfect credit history, and I’m leaving the country in two weeks. Who needs my service please call #…». It means that, before leaving the States, this guy wants to buy some goods, such as computers, on his credit card and then sell them for half price. Let the bank try…
Реферат I’ve heard somebody say that «love is friendship set on fire». To my mind, it’s a brilliant thought. I mean, the good thing about friendship is that it gives you a feeling of security… it’s like a pair of old shoes that you’ve worn for a long time… you get this feeling of comfort and coziness… And if «love is friendship set on fire», then, it seems to me, love is really worth living for. Some…
Реферат In the 1870s Salvin was replaced by John Taylor, a less talented and sensitive architect. His efforts concentrated on the southern parts of the Tower, notably the Cradle and Develin towers and on the demolition of the 18th-century Ordnance Office and storehouse on the site of the Lanthorn Tower, which he rebuilt. He also built the stretches of wall linking the Lanthorn Tower to the Salt and…