Темы и проблемы в произведении Hilary Mantel
Тема голода проявляется и в осознанном голодании, которое приводит к анорексии и серьезно влияет на самосознание героини. В обсуждении «болезни похудания» (анорексии), которым начинается и завершается книга, голод возводится в статус всеобщей проблемы. Если же обратиться к триаде главных проблем произведения: дружба — деньги — анорексия, то весьма четко прослеживается связь и взаимозависимость…
ДокладThe equality of men and women rights in the labor area in the EU and Russia-comparative analysis
Ith its decline, we just find ourselves in a situation of discrimination. The norms of the Russian legislation can cause difficulties for the employer, who has decided to hire a woman. I n our view, many of the norms of the Labour Code, one way or another women’s rights need to be converted by the legislator of the imperatives in discretionary rules. A nd at the level of the collective…
ДокладСтанки с ЧПУ (Числовым программным управлением) на анг
Однако поддержание этих станков в работоспособном состоянии требует высокой квалификации слесарей-ремонтников, электроников и электриков. В приводах главного движения, механизмах подач для смены инструментов широко используются электромагнитные муфты, позволяющие автоматически переключать скорости, четко переключать передачи, осуществлять реверсирование и торможение. Шпиндельные механизмы делают…
ДокладCorrect translation of scientific-technical articles
Equipment that is installed should be suitable for the task it will perform and the environment within which it will be expected to work. A wide range of electrical equipment and work is covered by recognized standards that offer guidance on good engineering practice. For example, Requirements for electrical installations, IEE Wiring Regulations, Seventeenth edition offers guidance on the…
ДокладКакие ключевые элементы в Эдгара По
Символизм часов является излюбленным у Эдгара По в его художественных произведениях. Каждое движение минутной стрелки на часах неизбежно приближало час смерти старика: «A watch’s minute hand moves more quickly than did mine». Главный герой огромное внимание уделяет четкому указанию времени своих действий: «It took me an hour to place my whole head within the opening so far that I could see him…
ЭссеMy Understanding of Responsible Management
S how that other people can depend on you. B e a person who sticks to the word."Take feedback seriously". It means that you need to be open to critics and accept information when someone is giving you a valid feedback that can help you improve and become a better person, either at work or in your life. A. T he main word here is «responsible» and you have to be first responsible for your actions…
ЭссеWrite an article analysing X and giving arguments FOR OR AGAINST the prohibition of its public display
Conclusions: whether the film should be allowed to be shownThus, this film was criticized a lot. A mong the critics are both ordinary people and secular and ecclesiastical authorities. T he latest criticism was particularly harsh. «F. K ey works on the theory of cinema. − A cademic project, 2016. — 727 p. Freilich S.: Theory of cinema: from Eisenstein to Tarkovsky. − A cademic project, 2018…
ЭссеHow does the natural environment influence international relations?
C onclusionIn general, the scope of new imperatives is such that the natural environment is not the lot of individual states any more. N otwithstanding, the nowadays system-forming factors leading to the socialization of international relations are accompanied by an uneven growth of productive forces in different countries at different levels of scientific, technical, economic, social and…
ЭссеГрамматические особенности заголовков газетных статей (Английский язык)
Введение. Взаимосвязь синтаксической структуры и функций заголовков. Выводы по главе 2. Выводы по главе 1. Особенности заголовков газетных статей. Библиографический. Приложение. Глава 1. Теоретические предпосылки исследования газетного стиля1. 1. Особенности газетного стиля. Заключение. Глава 2. Грамматические особенности заголовков современных английских газет2. 1. Морфологические…
КурсоваяThe concept of black and white colours in english, arabic and russian
In Russian, the word white has the derived meanings «light» (white wine), «clear, bright» (in broad daylight), «clean» (white room), «unusual» (white crow), «strong degree of anger» (to reach white heat), «ineptly hidden» (sewn with white thread). In Arabic, the adjective white (abyad) has not only the common meaning «clear,» «light,» but also carries the meaning of kindness, goodness (qalb…
РефератBig Apple, the history of New York City
According to the last version, the name appeared in the early 20s of the last century, shortly before the Great Depression. It was first used by John Fitzgerald, who worked at the time in the newspaper New York Morning Telegraph as a sportswriter. As you know, the racecourse then enjoyed great popularity among the local public, so any jumps were necessarily described in the news column…
РефератDiscuss the relationship between connoisseurship and sociability
Riah humbly put his hand to his chest, ready to execute any order of the king, but the sad drooping eyes, sadly closed lips and his whole appearance indicate wild despair. Coloring, built on the combination of red, gold and brown tones, exacerbates the tense atmosphere. R ed coat of Uriah, smoldering in a thick brown dusk, supports anxiety, and in the radiance of the white, shimmering gold turban…
ЭссеBible in English literature
He had never been on a roller-coaster, or anything like one, but if she had, she would have recognised the sensations in her breast: they were exciting and frightening at the same time, and she had not the slightest idea why. T he sensation continued, and deepened, and changed, as more parts of her body found themselves affected too". This episode is crucial for the self-knowledge of Lyra, of her…
Эссе«Separatism»: definition, interpretation. Ethnic composition of Russian Federation: general description and characteristics
The unique subject of the national composition of the population is Moscow. A s of January 1, 1997, representatives of more than 130 nations and nationalities lived in it, including 8 million Russians, 253,000 Ukrainians, 175,000 Jews, 157,000 Tatars, and others. In Moscow, there was a congestion of refugees and internally displaced persons. I. S eparation, separatism & diversity…
ЭссеСтилистический анализ художественного текста
I found the text very interesting and amusing. I saw a little, witty boy who would be happier if he was treated in some other ways but I am pleased and at the same time sad to see how he has to find the ways of making himself happy and interested. I think the authors ideas of the people' nature and people’s relationsare still important and vital. F or example the bad children’s behavior is called…
ЭссеChoose two crayon colors that describe you as a person and explain why
S ometimes being sincere and open does not function that well;life and foremost business can hit you hard. I t all comes down to the ability to bounce it off, or to be ready to be one of the shades of your color. So, basically, I think I have put all the chips on the table. I would saythe task, which seemed so hard at the beginning, turned out to be a great opportunity of looking in the mirror…
ЭссеGrammatical classes of words. Adjective. Types of adjectives. Adverb
Иванова И. П., Бурлакова, В.В., Почепцова, Г. Г. (1981) Теоретическая грамматика современного английского языка. М., Высшая школа. Вейхман, Г. А. (2010) Современный английский. Новейший справочник по грамматике. М., Астрель: АСТ. Greenbaum, S., Quirk, R., Leech, J., Svartvik, J. (2000) A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language. Longman, New York. Блох, М.Я. (2002) Теоретические основы…
РефератРиски одной из международных компаний
I n the short-term priority is the development and modernization of the existing shopping center «Mega» and «IKEA», which implies first and foremost the parking construction and access roads for the buyers. In late 2010, plans were announced to expand the acceleration and deceleration lanes to exit the Ring Road near the «MEGA Teply Stan» .References: The result is more than 70 points…
РефератВнеурочная деятельность по предмету английский язык
Как отмечает М. Ю. Миненкова, наэтапе выполнения художественного перевода ученики воспользовались автоматическим переводчиком. Сопоставив все переведенные тексты, учащиеся пришли к выводу, что художественный перевод — дело человеческого интеллекта, а не машинного разума. В заключении статьи автор, анализируя проведенную работу и ее результаты, делает вывод, что данные занятия во внеурочной…
РефератАмериканские праздники и их отражения в языке
Выводы. Заключение. Введение. Список литературы. I. 2.1 Понятие «чужой» культуры как одного из объектов изучения межкультурной коммуникации. Выводы. Глава I. Теоретические основы межкультурной коммуникацииI. 1 Межкультурная коммуникация. Основные вопросы понятия. I. 2 Культура и ценности. Понятие картины мира. Глава II. Анализ традиций и обычаев американских праздников и их отражения в лексикеII…
КурсоваяMajor problems facing regional economic agreements
His type of protection is considered to be temporal measure for supporting upcoming sectors which still have got high level of costs so they could solidify their positions. T hough this protection significantly decrease the level of stimulation of young industries suppressing their effectiveness, and transfer temporality of such protection into uncertain period of time. In addition subsidies and…