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My Understanding of Responsible Management

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M oney management is another responsible management helpful quality. B eing responsible with currency helps planning ahead, learning moderation, and keeping away from impulsive actions. G etting priorities straight might also help to learn how to manage finances to a greater level."Be down-the-line". It means that you have to find a daily routine that will meet your daily demands and stick to it… Читать ещё >


  • Executive summary
  • What do I understand as a responsible management general definition?
  • Do not judge book by its cover
  • Where do we use responsible management?
  • How to Be Responsible?
  • How to develop responsible skills for responsible management?
  • How to develop responsible habits for responsible management?
  • Being in responsible management is not an easy task
  • List of contents

My Understanding of Responsible Management (реферат, курсовая, диплом, контрольная)

M oney management is another responsible management helpful quality. B eing responsible with currency helps planning ahead, learning moderation, and keeping away from impulsive actions. G etting priorities straight might also help to learn how to manage finances to a greater level."Be down-the-line". It means that you have to find a daily routine that will meet your daily demands and stick to it. S.

how that other people can depend on you. B e a person who sticks to the word."Take feedback seriously". It means that you need to be open to critics and accept information when someone is giving you a valid feedback that can help you improve and become a better person, either at work or in your life. A ll you need to do is just listen to advices and feedback as they can help you to be more responsible person and to manage your work and tasks to your benefit. How to developresponsible habits forresponsible management? Responsible skills are important, no doubt, yet to perform accurate responsible management you have to have responsible habits developed to the appropriate level. H ere are some responsible habits, such as:"Start small". This means that you need to divide your tasks, and take small portions of what you can. T.

ry not to «bite more than you can eat». Knowing your limits is first step to know that you have responsible management skills."Make a list of prioritized responsibilities". It means that you have to set goals and and try your best to do everything to achieve it step by step."Help others". Helping others to achieve their goals, or even just helping people by making them feel better, is a great way to develop a habit of a responsible person. L ooking out for other people will help you become more responsible and will help you develop qualities of a responsible management. J ust remember that you should go out and help others only after you are absolutely certain that you have finished and accomplished all of your own responsibilities."Avoid procrastinating". Here is only one thing to say. N ever put off till tomorrow what you can do today."Take initiative". It means that when you see something that needs to be done or needs to be edited or somehow changed and you can help it, do not waist time to wait for «somebody» do it for you, just do it yourself. B.

ecome «the One» who makes the difference. T ake charge hence do not jump over your head. K now your powerful sides and use them to your benefit."Become a goal-setter". It means that you have to set a few goals that you want to achieve. T.

hey could be long term or short term. T hen put them down on a piece of paper and come up with a plan how you will make them happen. Chose the best opportunity. P ut the goals on an index card and put them in your wallet, or hang them on the walls around your desk.

E verything should be balanced, these cards need to inspire you, not suppress."Develop a daily routine". It means that you have to create a daily routine that works for you and help you be on track with them. Having a daily routine surely is going to help you manage your work and be a «better player» in the responsible management"game". Once again, here should be balance. E verything should be in time and on time."Be responsible for your possession". This means that you have to look after your personal stuff and be responsible for it. S.

how that you can manage your stuff to prove that you can be a good example in responsible management. S ometimes things can tell us more about their owners than we think."Show around five minutes early". It means that you have to come to meetings a little bit earlier to show that you are interested in the meeting and that you are a responsible person. Being in responsible management is not an easy task. Well, considering all the mentioned above it looks like being in responsible management definitely is not an easy task. Y ou have to learn all the time; you have to be open to new ideas and new opportunities; you have to work with different people with respect to their inner world and their experience; you have to maintain your reputation in situations of all different possible and impossible hazards. T he main word here is «responsible» and you have to be first responsible for your actions and your ideas and later for your ideas' presentations.

I think that responsible management is a challenging task. I f you have the guts you can give it a try and join the responsible management team.

List of contentsManagement, information retrieved from the site.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ManagementKemi Ogunyemi, «Responsible Management: Understanding Human Nature, Ethics, and Sustainability"Copyright © Business Expert Press, 2013. Jack Zenger, «Taking Responsibility Is The Highest Mark Of Great Leaders» retrieved from the web-site ;

https://www.forbes.com/sites/jackzenger/2015/07/16/taking-responsibility-is-the-highest-mark-of-great-leaders/#299 2010a48f2wikiHow to Be Responsible, retrieved from the web-site ;


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  1. List of contents
  2. Management, information retrieved from the site https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Management
  3. Kemi Ogunyemi, «Responsible Management: Understanding Human Nature, Ethics, and Sustainability» Copyright © Business Expert Press, 2013.
  4. Jack Zenger, «Taking Responsibility Is The Highest Mark Of Great Leaders» retrieved from the web-site — https://www.forbes.com/sites/jackzenger/2015/07/16/taking-responsibility-is-the-highest-mark-of-great-leaders/#299 2010a48f2
  5. wikiHow to Be Responsible, retrieved from the web-site — http://www.wikihow.com/Be-Responsible
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