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Деньги и банки

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Houston J. Do relationships have limits? Banking relationships, financial constraints, and investment /J. Houston, Ch. fames // The Journal of Business. — 2001. — V. 74. — № 3. — July. — P. 347−374. Leland, H. Informational Asymmetries, financial structure and financial intermediation / H. Leland, D. Pyle // The Journal of Finance. — 1976. — V. 32. — № 2. — September — P. 371—387. Dell’Ariccia… Читать ещё >

Литература. Деньги и банки (реферат, курсовая, диплом, контрольная)

1. Масленников, В. В. Зарубежные банковские системы / В. В. Масленников. — М., 2001.

2. Сорос, Дж. Алхимия финансов. Рынок: как читать его мысли / Дж. Сорос. — М.: ИНФРА-М, 1996.

3. Allen, F. The theory of fi nancial intermediation / F. Allen, A. Santaomero //Journal of banking and finance. — 1998. — V. 21. — P. 1461—1485.

4. Artis, M. Money in Britain: Monetary Policy, Innovation and Europe / M. Artis, M. Lewis. — L.: Philip Allan, 1991. — Ch. 6.

5. Bekaert, G. Foreign speculators and emerging equity markets / G. Bekaert, C. Harvey //Journal of Finance. — 2000. — V. 55. — № 2. — P. 565—613.

6. Bofmger, P. Monetary Policy / P. Bofinger. — Oxford, 2001. — Ch. 3.

7. Brunner, K. Money supply / K. Brunner, A. Meltzer // Handbook of Monetary Economics. — Amsterdam, 2003. — V. 1. — Ch. 9.

8. Cherian, S. Stock market and investment: the signalling role of the market / S. Cherian // The World Bank. — WP 1578. — 1996. March.

9. Dell’Ariccia, G. Adverse selection as a barrier to entry in the banking industry / G. Dcll’Ariccia, E. Frcidman, R. Marquez //Journal of Economics. — 1999. — V. 30. — № 3.-P.515−534.

10. Diamond, D. Bank runs, deposit insurance, and liquidity / D. Diamond, P. Dybvig// Journal of Political Economy. — 1983. — V. 91. — № 3. — P. 401—419.

11. Fama, E. What’s different about banks? //Journal of Monetary Economics. — 1985.-V. 15. -P. 29−39.

12. Goodhart, C. Money, Information and Uncertainty / C. Goodhart. — L., 1989. — Ch.9.

13. Houston J. Do relationships have limits? Banking relationships, financial constraints, and investment /J. Houston, Ch. fames // The Journal of Business. — 2001. — V. 74. — № 3. — July. — P. 347−374.

14. King, R. Finance and growth: Schumpeter might be right / R. King, R. Levine // The Quarterly Journal of Economics. — 1993. — V. 108. — № 3. — P. 717—737.

15. Leland, H. Informational Asymmetries, financial structure and financial intermediation / H. Leland, D. Pyle // The Journal of Finance. — 1976. — V. 32. — № 2. — September — P. 371—387.

16. Scholtens, B. A critique on the theory of financial intermediation / B. Scholtens, D. van Wensveen //Journal of banking and finance. — 2000. — V. 24. — P. 1243—1251.

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